Nobody Nowhere the limbo of the future in Gabriel Abrantes’ paintings

Joana Duarte

Galeria Francisco Fino is delighted to share Joana Duarte's article on Gabriel Abrantes' solo show Nobody Nowhere, in Umbigo magazine.


"On December 5, Gabriel Abrantes will open a painting-only exhibition at Galeria Francisco Fino, Lisbon. Nobody Nowhere is the name of this ground-breaking show. Although he is mostly known for his work in film, painting is a relevant part of his activity. On a rainy November morning, we visited his studio in Lisbon. Large paintings completely blanketed the walls. Our body invaded by a tragic and overwhelming melancholy.
Ghosts. Painter ghosts, ghosts with 16mm cameras, artist ghosts occupying different scenarios. A museum, a gallery, or the studio. Ghosts prevented from moving freely without a wheelchair or crutches. All spaces are flooded by calm or turbulent waters, and almost all are illuminated through a single spot of light. The ghostly bodies merge and disappear into the water flooding the spaces. A tragedy where bodies are not bodies and space is nowhere, “Nobody Nowhere”.

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2 Dec 2022
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